Welcome to the Retired Fire Fighters Association of Australia - WA Branch Inc (RFFAWA).

If you have worked within the Department of Fire and Emergency Services or were a financial member of the The United Professional Firefighters Union of Western Australia, we encourage you to join our ever expanding RFFAWA.
The RFFAWA was set up by retired fire fighters to help unite and to continue the unique bond and relationships after retirement. Joint life and work experiences help us to support and assist each other, whilst also retaining a link with widows of deceased firefighters.
Once a member you will have access to a variety of pages, including:    
  • Events
  • Calendar 
  • Yesteryear 
  • Wellness 
  • RFFAWA Association
Keep in touch or reconnect with fellow fire fighters or colleagues, attend meetings, excursions and events.
RFFAWA Facebook page will be running in conjunction with this website.



You will be in the driving seat and you will be able to stay up-to-date with current events.